About the course
Intended for functional beginners already familiar with some programming language.
If all goes well, by the end of this course, you shall be able to:
- Understand lambda-terms and write pure functional programs.
- Design recursive functions to iterate over recursive data types.
- Wonder how you have survived so far without algebraic data types and parameterized types.
- Think in terms of higher-order functions in order to write reusable code.
- Astonish yourself by writing polymorphic functions without even noticing.
The exam is on october, 23th (to be confirmed): a list of exercises, on computer.
- To use OCaml at INSA, copy to your homedir /mnt/commetud/GEI/OCaml/.profile and read it.
- Open a new terminal and launch utop:
You should get a nice greeting message. Press CTRL+D to quit. - Alternatively, you can write small OCaml programs directly on Try OCaml.
▸Programming assignments (lessons)
Each lesson must be worked individually, and completed before starting the next one.
- The ocaml interpreter, ground types, built-in types.
- Functions, curryfication.
- Pattern matching, inner let.
- Type structures.
- Algorithms and more type structures
- Compilation, exceptions, side effects.
For the curious, some complementary information
- An introduction to lambda-calculus.
- Facebook's RESCRIPT, or how to program in OCaml while pretending to write Javascript.
- Xavier Leroy, proficient developper of the Ocaml compiler, tells how he ran into a bug in some Intel processors.
- Watch đTail-call recursion, the musical, which explains how call-stacks work.
- Learn why OCaml's Garbage collector is efficient.
▸Exam-type exercises
- Exam questions are only intended to test your skills. They are not intended to be smart or enlightening. Thus, do not get surprised if examples are totally unmeaningful.
- You do not have to write tail-recursive functions, unless explicitly required.
- Basic types, curried functions, polymorphism, pattern matching
- Lists, records, variants.
- Recursive structures, exceptions
- (Some of them are easier than the exam, some are harder.) A list of 99 problems of various difficulty.
- Exam questions, 2021.
- Exam questions, 2022.
- Exam questions, 2023.
- Exam questions, 2024.
Get prepared for the exam:
The following works only on INSA computers (purposely).
- You must have configured your account to use ocaml (see Setup above)
- In a terminal, launch
/mnt/commetud/GEI/run-exam &
- Choose the OCaml Test Exam. The expected password is exam
- This test exam contains two easy questions.
The project is to be done by pairs of students having the same level.
âȘ You have completed all the lessons, and know how to write OCaml Modules.
How it goes
- The goal is to implement an algorithm computing the max-flow of a flow graph, using the FordâFulkerson algorithm, and optionally improve it to take into account other constraints (e.g. minimize cost).
See the âź details of the project. - You are free to propose another project, by considering another graph algorithm — check with the teacher.
- Before
december, 15thjanuary, 14th (aoe time), you have to send to your teacher (D. Le Botlan or A. Bit-Monnot) a link to your github project (or any other similar repository). - Manage to meet your teacher and show him a very quick demo (2 minutes). He will then ask you questions about your project (5-10 minutes).
- your achievements (how much is in your project)
- your code's modularity (do you use modules, abstract types?)
- the level of abstraction and genericity (do you take advantage of polymorphism, parameterized types?)
- code quality (comments, conciseness)
- your answers to questions during the quick demo
▸Getting help
- Many resources about OCaml: //ocaml.org/
- Books to learn OCaml.
- The very official OCaml manual.
- A well-written french book about functional programming (Bib'INSA):
Mini Manuel de Programmation Fonctionnelle—Ăric Violard—DUNOD 978-2-10-070385-2 - OCamlverse : some documentation about OCaml.
OCaml at home
- See how to install.
The recommended way is OPAM on linux. - Install packages text, utop and ocaml-top.
- On windows, see how to install ocaml-top. (Have you considered switching to a decent, free OS ?)
A stupid separator, because flex sucks in css.
- If you need to use a package, e.g.
in an interpreter, you must start your program as follows:#use "topfind" ;; (* Done once *) #require "text" ;; (* For every package you need. *)
- Sequence: when writing a sequence, do not put a
on the last statement.let f () = Printf.printf "Meet" ; Printf.printf "John" ; Printf.printf "Doe" ; let g x = x + 1 (* Error detected here. *) let h x = x - 1
- An error is detected at the end of the definition of g.
- It is difficult to understand why the error appears there (try to find out).
- The real error is the extra
at the end of f (after "Doe").
let f () = Printf.printf "Meet" ; Printf.printf "John" ; Printf.printf "Doe" ; () let g x = x + 1 (* No error. *) let h x = x - 1
- Nested pattern-matching: be careful when a
occurs inside another pattern-matching:(* This (curried) function expects two arguments. *) let f x = function | 0 -> false | 1 -> match x with | 0 -> false | 1 -> true | 2 -> true | _ -> false
It does not behave as you think. If you auto-indent the code, you get the real meaning:let f x = function | 0 -> false | 1 -> match x with | 0 -> false | 1 -> true | 2 -> true | _ -> false
To fix it, usebegin
or parentheses:let f x = function | 0 -> false | 1 -> begin match x with | 0 -> false | 1 -> true end | 2 -> true | _ -> false
When a match is nested in another pattern-matching, it is good practice to putbegin
around it.
- What I wish I knew when learning OCaml.
- Getting your feet wet with OCaml (how to gently install and discover OCaml).
- Le MOOC OCaml (démarre habituellement en septembre)