let rec switch = function
| [] -> []
| [x] -> [x]
| x :: y :: rest -> y :: x :: switch rest
let rec unpair = function
| [] -> []
| (x,y) :: rest -> x :: y :: unpair rest
let rec remove_succ = function
| [] -> []
| [x] -> [x]
| x :: y :: rest ->
if y = x+1 then remove_succ (y :: rest)
else x :: remove_succ (y :: rest)
let rec combine l1 l2 =
match l1,l2 with
| [], [] -> []
| x1 :: rest1, x2 :: rest2 -> (x1,x2) :: combine rest1 rest2
| _ -> failwith "combine: lists of different lengths."
let rec keep l1 l2 =
match l1,l2 with
| [], [] -> []
| x1 :: rest1, false :: rest2 -> keep rest1 rest2
| x1 :: rest1, true :: rest2 -> x1 :: keep rest1 rest2
| _ -> failwith "keep: lists of different lengths"
let rec map2 f l1 l2 =
match l1,l2 with
| [], [] -> []
| x1 :: rest1, x2 :: rest2 -> (f x1 x2) :: map2 f rest1 rest2
| _ -> failwith "map2: lists of different lengths"
let rec interleave l1 l2 =
match l1,l2 with
| l1, [] -> l1
| [], l2 -> l2
| x1 :: rest1, l2 -> x1 :: interleave l2 rest1
type bool3 = BTrue | BFalse | Unknown
let and3 a b = match a,b with
| BFalse, _ | _, BFalse -> BFalse
| BTrue, x | x, BTrue -> x
| Unknown, Unknown -> Unknown
let not3 = function
| BTrue -> BFalse
| BFalse -> BTrue
| Unknown -> Unknown
type instruction = Plus of int | Mul of int
let rec apply_instructions count = function
| [] -> count
| Plus n :: rest -> apply_instructions (count + n) rest
| Mul n :: rest -> apply_instructions (count * n) rest
let rec compact = function
| [] -> []
| Plus 0 :: rest -> compact rest
| Mul 1 :: rest -> compact rest
| Plus n :: Plus m :: rest -> compact (Plus (n+m) :: rest)
| Mul n :: Mul m :: rest -> compact (Mul (n*m) :: rest)
| el :: rest -> el :: compact rest
let rec to_string acu = function
| [] -> acu
| Plus n :: rest -> to_string (acu ^ " + " ^ string_of_int n) rest
| Mul n :: rest -> to_string ("(" ^ acu ^ ") * " ^ string_of_int n) rest
let rec to_funlist = function
| [] -> []
| Plus n :: rest -> (fun x -> x + n) :: to_funlist rest
| Mul n :: rest -> (fun x -> x * n) :: to_funlist rest
let to_funlist l = List.map (function Plus n -> (fun x -> x + n) | Mul n -> (fun x -> x * n)) l
let (++) g f x = g (f x )
let to_fun l = List.fold_left (fun f g -> g ++ f) (fun x -> x) (to_funlist l)
type 'a element = Single of 'a | Pair of 'a * 'a
type 'a fonct = One_arg of ('a -> 'a) | Two_args of ('a -> 'a -> 'a)
let rec count_elements = function
| [] -> 0
| Single _ :: rest -> 1 + count_elements rest
| Pair _ :: rest -> 2 + count_elements rest
let rec apply_list l1 l2 =
match (l1,l2) with
| [], [] -> []
| One_arg f :: rest1, Single x :: rest2 -> f x :: apply_list rest1 rest2
| Two_args f :: rest1, Pair (x,y) :: rest2 -> f x y :: apply_list rest1 rest2
| One_arg _ :: _, Pair _ :: _ -> failwith "One arg function applied to a pair."
| Two_args _ :: _, Single _ :: _ -> failwith "Two arg function applied to a single."
| _, [] | [], _ -> failwith "Lists of different sizes."
let rec partial_apply x = function
| [] -> []
| One_arg f :: rest -> f :: partial_apply x rest
| Two_args f :: rest -> (f x) :: partial_apply x rest
type people =
{ name: string ;
age: int }
let rec mk_people_list n =
if n = 0 then []
else { name = "John-" ^ string_of_int n ;
age = 10 * n } :: mk_people_list (n-1)
let rec age_most cmp current = function
| [] -> current
| p :: rest -> age_most cmp (if cmp current.age p.age then current else p) rest
type author = Anonymous | Someone of people
type 'a contribution =
{ date: float ;
author: author ;
content: 'a }
let mike = { name = "Mike" ; age = 30 }
let rihanna = { name = "Rihanna" ; age = 28 }
let test_contr = [ { date = 100.0 ; author = Anonymous ; content = "afoo1" } ;
{ date = 90.0 ; author = Someone mike ; content = "bar1" } ;
{ date = 105.0 ; author = Anonymous ; content = "afoo2" } ;
{ date = 107.0 ; author = Someone rihanna ; content ="bar2" } ;
{ date = 102.0 ; author = Someone mike ; content = "bar3" } ]
let rec filter_contributions = function
| [] -> []
| { author = Anonymous } :: rest -> filter_contributions rest
| c :: rest -> c :: filter_contributions rest
let filter_contributions l = List.filter (fun ctr -> ctr.author <> Anonymous) l
let rec map_contributions f = function
| [] -> []
| ct :: rest -> { ct with content = f ct.content } :: map_contributions f rest
let map_contributions f l = List.map (fun ct -> { ct with content = f ct.content } ) l
let latest l =
let rec loop late = function
| [] -> late
| ct :: rest ->
let new_late = match late with
| None -> Some ct
| Some ct1 -> if ct.date > ct1.date then Some ct else late
loop new_late rest
loop None l
let rec contents_of guy = function
| [] -> []
| ct :: rest ->
if ct.author = Someone guy then ct.content :: contents_of guy rest
else contents_of guy rest