let rec nth l n = match l with
| [] -> failwith "List too small"
| x :: xs -> if n = 0 then x else nth xs (n-1)
let rev l =
let rec loop acu = function
| [] -> acu
| x :: xs -> loop (x ::acu) xs
loop [] l
let rec append l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> l2
| x :: xs -> x :: (append xs l2)
let rev_append l1 l2 =
let rec loop acu = function
| [] -> acu
| x :: xs -> loop (x :: acu) xs
loop l2 l1
let rec rev_append l1 l2 =
match l1 with
| [] -> l2
| x :: xs -> rev_append xs (x :: l2)
let rec map f = function
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> f x :: (map f xs)
let rev_map f l =
let rec loop acu = function
| [] -> acu
| x :: xs -> loop (f x :: acu) xs
loop [] l
let rec iter f = function
| [] -> ()
| x :: xs -> f x ; iter f xs
let rec print_list sep conv = function
| [] -> Printf.printf "(empty)\n%!"
| [x] -> Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (conv x)
| x :: xs ->
Printf.printf "%s%s" (conv x) sep ;
print_list sep conv xs
let rec fold op acu = function
| [] -> acu
| x :: xs -> fold op (op acu x) xs
let rec exists pred = function
| [] -> false
| x :: xs -> pred x || exists pred xs
let exists' pred l = fold (fun acu x -> pred x || acu) false l
let (++) f g x = f (g x)
let forall pred l = not (exists (not ++ pred) l)
let rec assoc key = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (a,b) :: xs -> if a = key then b else assoc key xs
let rec remove_assoc key = function
| [] -> []
| (a,b) :: xs -> if a = key then xs else (a,b) :: remove_assoc key xs
type 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a tree * 'a tree
let print_tree tos tree =
let rec loop margin = function
| Leaf x -> Printf.printf "___ %s\n%!" (tos x)
| Node (a,b) ->
Printf.printf "____" ;
loop (margin ^ "| ") a ;
Printf.printf "%s|\n%s|" margin margin ;
loop (margin ^ " ") b
loop " " tree
let rec depth = function
| Leaf _ -> 0
| Node (a, b) -> 1 + max (depth a) (depth b)
let rec build n x =
if n = 0 then Leaf x
let sub = build (n-1) x in
Node (sub, sub)
let build_fold n init f =
let rec loop n v =
if n = 0 then (Leaf v, f v)
let (sub1, v1) = loop (n-1) v in
let (sub2, v2) = loop (n-1) v1 in
(Node (sub1, sub2), v2)
let (tree, _) = loop n init in
let tree1 = build_fold 3 10 (fun x -> x+2)
let tree2 = build_fold 2 "o" (fun x -> "(" ^ x ^ ")")
let soi = string_of_int
let () = print_tree soi tree1
let () = print_tree (fun s -> s) tree2
let rec tmap f = function
| Leaf x -> Leaf (f x)
| Node (a,b) -> Node (tmap f a, tmap f b)
let () = print_tree (fun s -> "\"" ^ s ^ "\"") (tmap soi tree1)
let rec tfind pred = function
| Leaf x -> if pred x then Some x else None
| Node (a,b) ->
match tfind pred a with
| None -> tfind pred b
| r -> r
let contains x tree = tfind (fun y -> y = x) tree <> None
let rec replace pred sub tree =
if pred tree then sub
else match tree with
| Leaf _ -> tree
| Node (a,b) -> Node (replace pred sub a, replace pred sub b)
let () = print_tree soi (replace (fun t -> contains 14 t && depth t = 1) (Leaf 0) tree1)